Esteve Alonso is a journalist, political scientist and creative director based between Paris and Barcelona.

Even though his scholar background is focused on social sciences and public law, he has worked for media, like the spanish national newspaper El Mundo, MèdiaCat or France24.
Nowadays, he's the media correspondant for Descifrando La Guerra, in Paris,  reporting from riots, as one of his favourite places to work.
Furthermore, he made his thesis about the french doctrine of public order maintenance, while living by hand the police actuations under the "fire". This actuation has let him to work for the München University as an Investigator Assistant in Policy changes in the OECD zone.

As a creative director, he conducted various ad campaigns for the Catalan Government, Renfe or the University of Girona.
He has also created the viusal identity for the Girona's UdG Festival, under the motto "Defensem el que és nostre" (Let's defend what's ours).

He has done an internship for the Spanish Parliament as an observer at NATO's parliamentary assembly, working with other deputees from the Atlantic Treatie.
Among his personal interests, he's a big fan of French Pop, he's a drummer and he plays the ukulele too, and instilled by his father (who got the passion from his father too), he's a skier.

So, he's always waiting for the next adventure.

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